Four Best Fuss-Free Floors to Keep Clean

Based on the purpose, you should opt for a flooring that suits your needs. If you opt for a flooring option simply because it looks good, then in time to come you might notice that it is a disaster to clean and upkeep.
Top 5 Hardest Stains to Remove and How to Actually Remove Them

Rather than completely getting rid of the object and opting for new things given here are some of the Top 5 hardest stains to remove and how to actually remove them.
Five Common Areas to Keep Clean in a Medical Office

If the surroundings of a medical work place are not up to standard, this not merely affects the mindset of the staff working in the company, but it also goes a long way in creating a bad impression in the mind of the patients that walk in.
What Are Dust Mites and How Can I Get Rid of Them?

Dust mites are tiny microscopic relatives of the spider and live on mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture, carpets and curtains.
Prevent Allergies Through Regular Cleaning

Believe it or not there are a number of allergies which can easily be kept at bay with regular office cleaning or hiring a reliable maid service like ours.
Importance of Background Checks for Our Cleaning Team Members

At Never Late Cleaning, we take background checks very seriously not only for our peace of mind, but also for our clients as well.
What is a Day Porter?

A day porter is full-time daytime cleaning staff who actually perform more responsibilities than many standard janitor or part time cleaning services.
Cleaning After the Holidays

For many, cleaning is not at the top of the wish list, definitely not around the holidays. But, it is a great way to begin a fresh new year.
How Often Should I Clean My Carpet?

If the question pertaining to how often you should clean your carpet is something which has been plaguing your mind, then here are some points which you ought to keep in mind in order to help you answer this poignant question for yourself.
Green Cleaning Versus Chemical-Based Products

Here are some of the chief ways in which green cleaning products trump chemical paraphernalia.